Monday, May 11, 2015

What I Know

There are days when I have no words. I think these are the days I can learn the most. Sometimes being quiet and not forcing myself to write creates a better day or even days. I learn the most. Correction, I search to learn and end up with so much more.

I will find myself paying more attention in church, Sunday School, and/or bible study. I find myself looking deeper in the scriptures being studied. It is not so I can find something to write about, but I am looking for a perspective. I am looking for how the verse or verses apply to my life at that time. To be honest there are times when I just do not see where it applies to my life. I am not sure if it is because my heart and mind are not open at the time or if it is a lesson I am to learn later. There are times when the word hits me like a ton of bricks. I am either blown away by the hope and promise I see in Him or I am humbled and taken aback by the hard lesson just learned. The best times are when I see both in the same passage.

I am sure of one thing. Everything in the bible is relevant, not just to my life but everyone's.

For the last couple of days I have not had the words. I have not been able to come up with a blog post. I have a combination of finished and unfinished posts in a file, but I feel like there is something different to post this time.

There is a song from a movie that has never left my heart. It is a song that will pass through my mind when I am in a difficult situation or just need a reminder. I will always have good days and bad days, some will have to do with recovery and some will not. Today I am sharing that song.

What I Know by T.R.I.C.A.

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