Recently the following was quoted in a group session. “The ability to choose cannot be taken away or even given away-it can only be forgotten.” Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown.
To put it lightly, I overreacted and responded before thinking. I immediately took offense, calling into question my ability to choose to be abused when I was a 3-year-old girl. I was quickly brought back to earth with the phrase, spoken to the entire group, “you cannot frame everything within the abuse.” I was still in “reaction mode,” so the impact of the group leader’s statement did not reach me until hours later. The word that stuck out the most for me in the above statement was “frame.”
So many of my reactions, problems, and issues have been centered around the abuse. My perceptions and overall outlook have been influenced and framed within it. This is not to say I constantly dwell on the abuse, but I have a strong tendency to blame what is wrong with me on it. This needs to change.
I looked up the definition of frame and was pretty surprised by how many different definitions were listed. Typically I think of a frame as something that surrounds and holds together a photograph or painting. As I dug into the many different definitions, I gained new insight on how to change my frame of mind about the abuse.
Definition #1: To put something inside an open structure that holds it; to put something in a frame.
This first definition is what I typically think of in terms of a frame. I have framed several things in my life, from photographs to needlework. I have even framed a cartoon I thought was hilarious.

A collage starts in another. This collage is the abuse. The ugly images start to fill it and it is a depressing picture of loss, anger, betrayal, and helplessness. When the last episode of childhood abuse ended, the frame was extended and became much bigger than the first. I can see a line right down the middle with one side labeled “abuse” and the the other “after abuse.”
The “after abuse” collage consists of choices I have made, emotional reactions, depression, and what I perceived as my true identity based on the abuse; none of which are positive. I got stuck in that frame and everything in my life had become confined within it, whether or not I was aware.
This collage gets hung in the center of the wall and all other frames become connected to it, at least until I start to take the steps to recover.
Definition #2: Make or construct something by fitting parts together or in accordance with a plan.
I can now see another frame, a round one if you will. This starts to fill up with what I have learned about myself and abuse effects I need to overcome. The connection to the abuse collage discourages me at times, but sometimes the perspective changes and it becomes a source of motivation to overcome.
My goal is to empty this 3rd frame. Take the effect, fix it or use it for good, and then move it to 4th frame. This new frame holds the steps I have taken to recover. It includes growth and self-awareness and starts to show a new path, a growing relationship with Christ, and a support system for accountability.
My mind and heart start to become open and more receptive to God’s plan for my life. The focus shows less of me and more of Christ. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.
Definition #3: A story within a frame or a story constituting a frame for another story or a series of other stories.
My next frame (5th) is in the shape of a diamond. An amazing thing starts to happen when I shift and/or change the effects of abuse, recover, and develop a healthy relationship with Christ, I start to see the positive images of my life after I became an adult. I was intermittently in full denial or therapy, but the following positive events came about.

- Graduated from college with a Bachelors in finance.
- Obtained a job after college (ironically not related to my degree) that forced me to be independent and assertive. I discovered a level of self-esteem I did not know existed. My character became less passive.
- Good marriage and healthy children.
- Fell into a job I really enjoy and am confident about.
- Acquired a close circle of support through friends and church.
- Developed a more mature approach (most of the time) to uncomfortable situations and see the bigger picture.
I start to remember happier images from childhood and my teenage years. The first frame finally fills to capacity.
Definition #4 (frame of reference): A set of ideas, conditions, or assumptions that determine how something will be approached, perceived, or understand.
Know that wisdom is thus for your soul; If you find it, then there will be a future, And your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 24:14
This last frame is my ultimate goal. It is not a 4-sided frame but it has one side, leaving the rest of the wall open. It fills with images of a life with more freedom. A life based on faith and hope. A future of moving forward in whichever direction Christ plans for me. A life where my mind and mouth no longer react out of hurt, anger, and pain, but react out of love and peace. I let go of control and hand it over to God.
The frame with the abuse is moved to the bottom of the wall. It no longer drives any part of my life. It will never be forgotten, just moved from center of the wall. Looking at it will not stir up the same amount of pain, hurt, and confusion; it will just be a reminder of what Christ has brought me through.
Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13.